Author(s) responsibilities 

The authors should follow the COPE’s recommendations of best ethical practices. The results should be clearly presented and their data should not be inappropriately manipulated. The methods should be rigorously described so as the findings can be replicated by others. 

Authorship and acknowledgment should be provided appropriately. Authors should name the people who have made significant contributions to the research. Those with less significant contributions should be acknowledged.  

In the case of any conflict of interest with any of the participants in the Editorial board, the author should inform the Unicaf Online Journal. If the editorial board seeks the information, the author(s) should disclose all their funding sources, and whether the financial support was direct or indirect. 

The manuscript submitted should not be previously published in another journal or book, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.  All authors are committed to participate in a peer-review process and to follow the publications rules. 


Editor’s responsibilities 

Publication decision

Unicaf Online Journal employs a double-blind review process. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible to assess whether or not an article meets the editorial goals. The papers considered suitable are sent to an Editorial board member and then to two peer reviewers who are experts in their field. The final decision will be made by the editor-in-chief. 

The decision making should depend on the importance of an article to different communities of people (researchers, practitioners). 

If there is a conflict of interest then the editorial board member concerned should withdraw from the editorial decisions. Another editorial board member without any conflict of interest will take the final decision. 


The names of all parts shall remain confidential and shall not be used for any other purpose other than the signature of the article published.